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ChristopherAlexander의 비교적 최근 저작으로 The Nature of Order의 전초석 역할을 하는 책이다. 아주 단순한 규칙 몇가지를 계속 적용해서 어떻게 복잡한 도시로 성장해 나갈 수 있는지를 보여준다. 그가 말하는 훌륭한 도시는 유기적인 도시이다. (When we look at the most beautiful towns and cities of the past, we are always impressed by a feeling that they are somehow organic.)
궁극적으로 CA가 제시하는 규칙들은 모두 하나를 지향한다. "Every increment of construction must be made in such a way as to heal the city." "Every new act of construction has just one basic obligation: it must create a continous structure of wholes around itself."
이를 위해 그는 일곱 가지의 중간 단계의 규칙들을 제시한다.
- Piecemeal growth
- The growth of larger wholes
- Visions
- The basic rule of positive urban space
- Layout of larger buildings
- Construction
- Formation of centers
책의 제목과 관련해서 CA는 다음과 같이 말한다.
City planning definitely does not try to create wholeness. It is merely preoccupied with implementation of certain ordinances. Architecture is too much preoccupied with problems of individual buildings. And urban design has a sense of dilettantism: as if the problem could be solved on a visual level, as an aesthetic matter. However, at least the phrase "urban design" does somehow conjure up the sense of the city as a complex thing which must be dealt with in three dimensions, no two.
City planning definitely does not try to create wholeness. It is merely preoccupied with implementation of certain ordinances. Architecture is too much preoccupied with problems of individual buildings. And urban design has a sense of dilettantism: as if the problem could be solved on a visual level, as an aesthetic matter. However, at least the phrase "urban design" does somehow conjure up the sense of the city as a complex thing which must be dealt with in three dimensions, no two.