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    Emphasis:'''bold''', ''italics''
    Headings: == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ...
    Lists: * space and one of * bullets; 1. numbered items; space alone indents.
    Links: [[Page Title]]; [[Page Title|label]]; [bracketed words]; JoinCapitalizedWords; ["brackets and double quotes"]
    URLs: http://url; [http://url]; [http://url label]; [[http://url]]; [[http://url|label]]
    Tables: || cell text |||| cell text spanning two columns ||
    No WikiTag: {{{no wiki}}}
    no trailing white space allowed after tables or titles.

    "; if (isset($options[timer])) print $menu.$banner."
    "; else print $menu.$banner."
    ".$timer; ?> # # ?>