Smooth Criminal

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IndiaAriesVideo41kzComplexityBook SmoothCriminal

[http]SmoothCriminal [http]MusicVideofromMoonWalker
{{|As he came into the window
It was the sound of a crescendo
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
She ran underneath the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down, it was her doom

Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok, Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok, Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok, Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok, are you ok, Annie

(Annie are you ok)
(Will you tell us that you're ok)
(There's a sign in the window)
(That he struck you - a crescendo Annie)
(He came into your apartment)
(He left the bloodstains on the carpet)
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
(You were struck down)
(It was your doom)

Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
You've been hit by
You've been hit by -
A smooth criminal

So they came into the outway
It was sunday - what a black day
Mouth to mouth resuscitation
Sounding heartbeats Intimidations

Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie
Annie are you ok
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok Annie

(Annie are you ok)
(Will you tell us that you're ok)
(There's a sign in the window)
(That he struck you - a crescendo Annie)
(He came into your apartment)
(He left the bloodstains on the carpet)
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
(You were struck down)
(It was your doom)

(Annie are you ok)
(So, Annie are you ok)
(Are you ok Annie)
(You've been hit by)
(You've been struck by -
A smooth criminal)

Okay, I want everybody to
Clear the area right now!

(Annie are you ok)
I don't know!
(Will you tell us, that you're ok)
I don't know!
(There's a sign in the window)
I don't know!
(That he struck you - a crescendo Annie)
I don't know!
(He came into your apartment)
I don't know!
(Left bloodstains on the carpet)
I don't know why baby!
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
I don't know!
(You were struck down)
(It was your doom - Annie!)
(Annie are you ok)
Dad gone it - baby!
(Will you tell us, that you're ok)
Dad gone it - baby!
(There's a sign in the wWindow)
Dad gone it - baby!
(That he struck you - a crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He came into your apartment)
Dad gone it!
(Left bloodstains on the carpet)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
Dad gone it!
(You were struck down)
(It was your doom - Annie!)
Aaow!!! |}}

이를테면, 이 시간에 사람들 몰래 글을 보고, 쓰고 있다는 기분은 범죄자의 기분과 약간은 닮아 있는 것이 아닐까라는 생각이 갑자기 들었다. 그런 기분이 들 때 들으면, 나름대로 짜릿한 음악이다. 영화 문워커를 찍으면서, 최고의 절정기를 누렸던, 마이클 잭슨의 아무 생각없이 들어도, 그럭저럭 괜찮은 음악. --Roman
{{|늦은 밤 사무실에 혼자 남아,

마이클 잭슨이 영화 문워커를
찍었을 때의 음악...

Smooth Criminal

Smooth Criminal을 들어본다.
괜히, 신나지는 이기분은
어쩌면, 좀 촌스럽지만.

내가 범죄자가 되는 그런 상상을 해본다.
그건 꿈처럼, 자욱한 연기 아래서 범해진다.

일순간의 증오심에,
한 사람을 정보의 조작을 통해서
망가뜨린 뒤에,
완전히 바보 만들고서는
유유히 자신의 일상으로 돌아가선,

옆자리의 직원에게
정성스레 커피 한잔을 뽑아주고는
"요새 사람들은 너무 냉정하고 영악해"
라고 투덜거린다.

직원은 맞장구치면서,
"인간성을 너무 잃어가는 시대같아..."
라고 말한다.

동시에, 파멸된 인물은
지하도를 걸어 신문지로 몸을 감싸고
거리를 배회하고 있다.

Scene 1-

세월이 흘러
나는 뇌종양에 걸려
사지를 제대로 움직이지 못하는
중병에 걸린다.

그리고 세상은 더더욱
노인에 대한 박대는 상상을 초월한다.

추위에 지치고
외로움에 지쳐
벤치에 누워있을 때,
한 부랑자가 다가와
신문지로 내몸을 감싸준다.

서로의 눈은
서로가 누구인지를
어렴풋이 기억하지만,
그 기억은 너무 멀고,
증오를 드러내기엔
둘 다 너무 지쳐있다.

그가 말한다.
"요즘 세상은 너무 냉정해."

나는 말한다.
"아마도 내가 너무 앞 서 갔던 것 같아."

"선구자에 대한, 예우로군..." 그는 웃는다.

"나를 용서하나?"
"내가 다른 상황에 있었다면, 어떻했을까?"
"어차피 죽을 놈인데 건드려서 뭐하나.."
Scene 2-

화면은 흐려지고,
Smooth Criminal이 다시 흐른다...|}}

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