Train In The Distance

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Train In The Distance

Words & music by PaulSimon

She was beautiful as Southern skies
The night he met her
She was married to someone
He was doggedly determined that he would get her
He was old, he was young
From time to time he'd tip his heart
But each time she withdrew
Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true
Well eventually the boy and the girl get married
Sure enough they have a son
And though they both were occupied
With the child she carried
Disagreements had begun
And in a while they fell apart
It wasn't hard to do
Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true
Two disappointed believers
Two people playing the game
Negotiations and love songs
Are often mistaken for one and the same
Now the man and the woman
Remain in contact
Let us say it's for the child
With disagreements about the meaning
Of a marriage contract
Conversations hard and wild
But from time to time
He makes her laugh
She cooks a meal or two
'''Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true
Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true
What is the point of this story
What information pertains
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly
Into our hearts
And our brains'''

스토리텔링 형식으로 돼있어서 쉽고도 재미있는 가사입니다. 결혼하기 싫게 만드는 가사... 사람들은 언제나 멀리 있는 기차소리만을 그리며 살아가고 (가까이 오기 전까지는..). "삶이 더 나아질 거라는 생각이 우리의 머릿속에, 우리의 가슴속에 지울 수 없게 자리잡고 있다는..." 만고의 진리를 일깨워주는 노랫말... --우산

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