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뮤즈캣베이스김미경아드반김성수 기억술

PopularScience 기사중 일부 (링크를 할까 생각했는데 이런 링크는 세월지나면 사라져버리는지라 그냥 슥 퍼옵니다.)

{{|My Very Easy Method: Just Set Up Nine Planets
The first letter of each planet's name, in increasing distance from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

From this alternate spelling of a favorite liqueur, the six elemental building blocks of life: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur.

Roy G. Biv
The name of this nonexistent person holds the first letter of each color in the visible spectrum, in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Oh, Be a Fine Girl, Kiss Me!
The first letters of these words provide the stellar classifications, from ultrahot O stars to cool M stars. More PC version: Oh, Be a Fine Guy, Kiss Me! Better yet: Only Boys Accepting Feminism Get Kissed Meaningfully.|}}

그러고보면 수학, 영어 문제집들 중에 저런 게 꽤 많았었는데. 왔네왔네 둘일세Sqrt[2] = 1.414213... 등등.

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