프로바이오틱스 (Probiotics) : 항생물질 (antibiotics)에 대비되어 사용되는 말로서 그리스어의 “생명을 위한(for life)”뜻으로 유래. 생물간의 공생관계(probiosis)를 의미하는 생태학적 용어에 기원을 두고 있다. 유산균을 이용하는 방법이 하나의 예가 될 수 있다.
장내상주균의 중요성을 깨달은 과학자들이 모여 만든 "명칭"입니다. 우리의 건강을 지켜주는 이들에 대해 "장내상주균"이라는 품의없는 호칭^^;을 사용하는 것은 격에 맞지 않다네요...
알레르기에서 필자는 "혼자보기 아깝다"라고 말합니다. 저역시 혼자 보기 아깝더군요. 다음은 Immunology Today 서두(Immunology Today Volume 20, Issue 9, 1 September 1999, Pages 387-390)에 게재된, 친생물(probiotics, 이것은 홈피의 필자가 나름대로 해석한 이름인듯함)에 대한 토의입니다.
Box I. Suggested health effects of probiotics
1. Increased nutritional value (better digestibility, increased absorption of minerals and vitamins)
2. Promotion of intestinal loctose digestion
3. Positive influence on intestinal flora (antibiotics or radiation induced colitis)
4. Prevention of intestinal tract infections (bacteria or virus induced, Candida enteritis, Helicobacter pylori ulcer/neoplasia)
5. Regulation of gut motility (constipation, irritable bowel syndrome)
6. Improvement of immune system
7. Prevention of cancer
8. Reduction of catabolic products eliminated by kidney and liver
9. Prevention of atherosclerosis (reduction of serum cholesterol)
10. Prevention of osteoporosis
11. Better development (growth)
12. Improved well-being
Box I. Suggested health effects of probiotics
2. Promotion of intestinal loctose digestion
3. Positive influence on intestinal flora (antibiotics or radiation induced colitis)
4. Prevention of intestinal tract infections (bacteria or virus induced, Candida enteritis, Helicobacter pylori ulcer/neoplasia)
5. Regulation of gut motility (constipation, irritable bowel syndrome)
6. Improvement of immune system
7. Prevention of cancer
8. Reduction of catabolic products eliminated by kidney and liver
9. Prevention of atherosclerosis (reduction of serum cholesterol)
10. Prevention of osteoporosis
11. Better development (growth)
12. Improved well-being
Box 2. Mechanisms by which probiotics might inhibit colon cancer
1. Suppress the growth of intestinal microflora incrinimated in producing putative mutagens/carcinogens and promoters
2. Produce antimutagenic and antitumourigenic compounds in the colon
3. Bind potential mutagens and carcinogens
4. Alter physiological conditions in the colon(lowering the pH) affecting the metabolic activity of the intestinal flora, the action of bile acids and causing quantitative and/or qualitative alterations in the bile acid degrading bacteria
5. Enhance the host's immune system |}}
좀 터무니없다..싶긴 하지만, 균이라면 죽이고 보는 사람들에게 보여주고 싶은 글입니다. --황원정
2. Produce antimutagenic and antitumourigenic compounds in the colon
3. Bind potential mutagens and carcinogens
4. Alter physiological conditions in the colon(lowering the pH) affecting the metabolic activity of the intestinal flora, the action of bile acids and causing quantitative and/or qualitative alterations in the bile acid degrading bacteria
5. Enhance the host's immune system |}}
Immunity and probiotics.
Immunity and probiotics.
Bernnard Dugas, Annick Mercenierb, Irene Lenoir-Wijnkoopc, Cecile Arnaudc, Nathalie Dugasc and Eric Postairec
Probiotics are living microorganisms that promote the health of the host by improving the microflora. A recent meeting (The Danone Symposium `Immunity and Probiotics' was held at Bonn, Germany on 29-October 1998) focused on the immunoregulatory properties of probiotics with the aim of identifying their cellular and molecular mechanisms of action.
Immunology Today Volume 20, Issue 9, 1 September 1999, Pages 387-390 |}}