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통계학 개론 책으로는 최고라는 평가를 받는 책.

Statistics reads like a detective novel.... This is the best textbook I have come across on any subject. -- Russell Lyons, Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington

This is a great book. It is the best introduction to how to think about statistical issues. One of the special and most useful features of this book is the wealth of real-world examples that illuminate principles and applications of statistics. ... -- Amos Tversky, The late Davis Brack Professor of Behavioral Science, Stanford University

이렇게 좋은 통계학 개론서가.. 흑. David S. Moore의 Statistics: Concepts and Controversies 도 역시 기념비적인 개론서. 우리나라의 고등학생이 볼 수 있는 수준. 계산보다는 개념의 이해를 강조한 책. 내가 이런 책들로 공부를 했었다면 얼마나 좋았을까... --김창준

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