Symbiotic Intelligence

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Johnson argues that self-organizing groups of "average" people can solve complex problems better than experts can. Challenges today --such as managing a global economy, fighting terrorism or optimizing supply chain operations -- are more complex and more distributed than problems were 20 years ago, and so they are less amenable to top-down solutions by "experts," he says.
The big 'Aha!' for the Internet is that it has become all about a social process," Johnson says. "Every major technological success in the public in the last 50 years -- cars, phones, beepers, cell phones, Internet -- has been about social connection. They all enhance our ability to connect in some way and are successful because they contribute to the symbiotic intelligence process. But because we do not view society as a self-organizing entity, we only see the advantages to the individual, not the whole."
"Only the combination of a human/computer symbiotic system can solve large problems of high complexity."

&''Excerpted from the link above''&

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