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GrisysDontAutomateEverything김용옥이말하는디자인백야아이돌폄하현상 Smokian

Smokian n. (not NoSmokian)
Smokian,the Smoky
(antonym) NoSmokian
(related) Kiwirian,Wiskirian

Smokian, the Smoky

Their major specialty is that they do things that's actually not WikiStyle nor NosmokeStyle. Rumors say that the Smoky smoke smoky.

They've used WikiWiki or NoSmoke quite a little long time and, sometimes, they even seem to know what's NosmokeStyle. But they act just like Kiwirian. That's the Smoky and someone calls them Smokian.

They also talk about the WikiReductionism. But what they do is just remove pages without a reasonable reason.

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