System Dynamics

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FrontPageLittlePrinceAndWikizenTheSkepticalEnvironmentalist여자가바라보는남자대중매체의쌍방향성 SystemDynamics

aka SystemsThinking

System dynamics is a method for studying the world around us. Unlike other scientists, who study the world by breaking it up into smaller and smaller pieces, system dynamicists look at things as a whole. The central concept to system dynamics is understanding how all the objects in a system interact with one another. A system can be anything from a steam engine, to a bank account, to a basketball team. The objects and people in a system interact through "feedback" loops, where a change in one variable affects other variables over time, which in turn affects the original variable, and so on. &[''MIT SystemDynamics 랩 안내문에서'' -- DeadLink &]

see also

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