The Origins Of Music

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쓴지너무오래돼서못바꾸는물건BohemianRhapsody영어이름TheOriginsOfOrder버스노선변경 TheOriginsOfMusic

음악은 진화적 적응인가? 혹은 단맛에 대한 선호나 약물 중독과 같은 Non-Adaptive Pleasure-Seeking 의 일종인가?

Music may satisfy many needs for humans today, but where did it all begin? What needs were fulfilled by music in our remote ancestors? Did musical behaviour offer some evolutionary advantage in terms of survival and reproduction?

According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, in the struggle for existence, behaviours and traits contributing to successful reproduction survive in evolution whereas those which do not decline. Is music one such favourable characteristic? So evolution is not merely responsible for physiological changes, but also for shaping our cognitive and perceptual capacity. |}}

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