The Reality Of Race

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[http]The Reality of Race: by By Sally Lehrman, From ScientificAmerican.

There's hardly any difference in the DNA of human races. That doesn't mean, argues sociologist Troy Duster, that genomics research can ignore the concept. |}}

우리에겐 인종차별에 관한 Nature가 존재하는가? 인종차별은 EvolutionaryPsychology 를 비롯한 많은 분야에서 매우 민감한 사안이다. 다음의 아티클들을 함께 읽으면 좋을 듯하다. --김우재

[http]Can race be erased? Coalitional computation and social categorization by Robert Kurzban (EvolutionaryPsychology의 Founders인 Leda Cosmides and John Tooby 의 제자)

[http]Professor challenges racial myths : Western Heral Online.

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