BioPhilia (생명애) : Edward O. Wilson (에드워드윌슨)이 만든 말로, "다른 생물에 대한 인간 본유의 감정적 관계" 를 말한다. 워싱턴 대학의 생태학자 고든 오리앤스 (Orians) 는 이를 "동아프리카 기원에 대한 깊은 정신적 교감" 으로 설명했다. 우리가 선호하는 풍경이 숲이 있는 사바나를 연상시킨다는 것이다. Richard Leaky 는 이를 다음과 같이 표현했다.
나는 비록 우리가 현대의 기술사회를 살고 있지만 가슴 속에는 수렵 채집인의 마음을 가지고 있다고 누누히 강조해 왔다. |}}
나는 비록 우리가 현대의 기술사회를 살고 있지만 가슴 속에는 수렵 채집인의 마음을 가지고 있다고 누누히 강조해 왔다. |}}
이러한 생물선호증을 주장하는 사람들은 부정적이든 긍정적이든 야생의 자연을 향한 우리의 반응 일체를 뿌리깊은 인간 본성의 일부분으로 본다. 생명애에 대한 가설은 아직도 미확인 상태인 것들이 많지만 한가지 우리에게 주는 교훈이 있다. 생명다양성에 관한 것이 그것이다. 친밀감으로서의 생태계는 오늘날 우리를 생물 다양성의 일부로 보는 가치 부여를 할 수 있게 만들 수 있다.
우리 주변에 존재하는 종의 가치는 인간의 영혼에까지 이르게 되는 것이다. 우리가 생명다양성을 더 높이 평가하는 것은 인간의 정신, 인간의 영혼, 그리고 인간의 마음을 보다 풍요롭게 배양해 주는 밑거름이다. --김우재
This term was popularised by the Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson in 1984 as the title of a book (BioPhilia: The Human Bond with Other Species). To him it seemed incontrovertible that we human beings have an innate sensitivity to and need for other living things, because we have coexisted in the closest relationship with the natural world for so many millennia. He defined biophilia as "the connections that human beings subconsciously seek with the rest of life", and argued that they are determined by a biological need. There may seem to be a smidgen or two of pantheistic tree-hugging environmentalism about the idea (which can hardly be said to be original), but advocates of an emotional, even a spiritual, dimension to our relationship with nature point, for example, to studies that show patients recover quicker if they are exposed to greenery, even pictures of greenery, rather than a purely artificial environment. The concept has been taken up by others, especially Stephen Kellert and Lynn Margulis, and has links with the Gaia Hypothesis that argues that Earth's ecosystems form a single unit of which the human species is one element. Its reverse is biophobia. |}}
This term was popularised by the Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson in 1984 as the title of a book (BioPhilia: The Human Bond with Other Species). To him it seemed incontrovertible that we human beings have an innate sensitivity to and need for other living things, because we have coexisted in the closest relationship with the natural world for so many millennia. He defined biophilia as "the connections that human beings subconsciously seek with the rest of life", and argued that they are determined by a biological need. There may seem to be a smidgen or two of pantheistic tree-hugging environmentalism about the idea (which can hardly be said to be original), but advocates of an emotional, even a spiritual, dimension to our relationship with nature point, for example, to studies that show patients recover quicker if they are exposed to greenery, even pictures of greenery, rather than a purely artificial environment. The concept has been taken up by others, especially Stephen Kellert and Lynn Margulis, and has links with the Gaia Hypothesis that argues that Earth's ecosystems form a single unit of which the human species is one element. Its reverse is biophobia. |}}