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FrontPage치의학강박증노스모크백일장 Patrick

Korean CategoryHomepage

Sorry, I don't speak Korean. I like to look around at various wiki's. Since some text here is in English, it is still interesting for me. - Patrick

interwiki link codes: [http]brackets [http]camel case

To Patrick

안녕하세요; 상당히 난해하네요 :) ;;. -- 최종욱

In English : Hello? um- This page is hard to understand :) .

Wow! You are not Korean. It's amazing! Are you interested at playing or education or programming or Korean or or or... what :) ? I want to play with you. - ChoiJongWook

DeleteMe Most of NoSmokian(= NoSmoke OnSider) are really curious about your exoitic statements, your works are so unique for us now. plz inform us of your intention in order to understand you clearly if possible. :) . Your statements in English are really welcomed for further progress at least for them. NoSmokian check your page day by day with some of questions were unrevealed. They are good hand at reading English than writing in English due to about 11 years practices as regular subjects of grammar, vocabulary and reading in English from Middle School(3 years), High School(3 years) to University(4 years) in general are in their brain. Of course, you may read some kinds of not so natural compositions have the structure comes from Korean culture at the aspect of linguistic. There are just differences between natives and foreigners in other countries study English as you guess. However, they are ready to communicate with you at any times if you start to talk with them in English. As you had already known, Korean Education(in 15 years old. Reference: PISA test by OECD institute) has first ranked level among the OECD countries B) in the fields of reading, writing, the mathmatics and the sciences. Averaged students are well educated. You do not need to worry yourself about general communication in English with them. plz feel free to contact us.

Welcome to NoSmokia --Frotw

Me three ;) -- bab2

Thank you, all. I know NoSmoke from the list of biggest wiki's (sites like this, that everybody can edit) NoSmoke is quite high, on the 8th place worldwide. I have mainly contributed to the English Wikipedia (wiki-encyclopedia), but I am checking out other wiki's. Above you see the links to my homepages on them, allowing me to jump easily from one to the other. You may like to check out pages in the English Wikipedia on Korea (start from and add info to them, you know much more about Korea than is written there. Everybody can edit those pages, just like on NoSmoke, and you can practice your English this way. - Patrick.

What happened to the page revision histories? Have they been deleted except for the last edit? - Patrick

I think that NosmokeAdministrator(노스모크계정관리자) cleaned up back up pages. NoSmoke has many pages, and too many back up pages, and too many edit logs. They make Nosmoke slow. Because we cannot delete many page, we must clean up the logs and back up pages :) . -- ChoiJongWook

캠페인 = CategoryHomepage

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