Helmut Leitner

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SkinNearEarthObjects강경옥가야금삼중주를위한캐논김광해의비슷한말반대말사전 HelmutLeitner

헬무트 라이트너 (this is Korean phonetical equivalent to your name)

I'm a software developer from Graz, Austria. On August 2000 I stumbled over Ward Cunninghams original WikiWikiWeb and was so fascinated that I immediately started to research the wiki idea and to transfer it to the German speaking countries Austria, Germany and Switzerland. I think the wiki culture will have a strong and positive influence on our ability to communicate and collaborate locally and globally. I'm very happy to see such a healthy and strong Korean wiki community here at NoSmoke and would appreciate any kind of thought exchange. You are adapting the wiki idea to Korea, we do the same in the German speaking countries, I think we could learn from each other and help each other. I'm sorry that I can't read or write Korean texts but I would be happy to communicate in English.

You are also welcome to visit and use our growing number of wikis:
I want to inform you about WikiSymTwoThousandFive.

Dear HelmutLeitner

Nice to meet you! I'm a software developer,too. ==3==3===3 :) - 라이온

Nice to meet you too!

"Hallo!" Now, no-smok is entering a new era. See you soon.--숙영

Actually we don't know much about WardCunningham or his ideas, but we understand WikiWiki well 'cause we have 김창준 who's also known as JuneKim. You've already found him! He introduced the Wiki system to Korea, and thanks to him we can enjoy the magic power of WikiWiki everyday. We are proud of having him as the NosmokeProgrammer who's taking care of the system and also informing us the spirit of WikiWiki. So we call "June", the Father of Korean WikiWiki. And NoSmoke is his Home.
Read this with a pinch of salt. :) -- 김창준
I think that there is no "wiki idea" graved in stone. Any wiki develops its own style and culture and grows like a separate living being. Of course the English wikis influence each other much more than wikis in other languages or countries and are therefore rather similar. I am used to look at wikis to learn as much as possible (I once read the 14000 pages that Ward Cunningham's wiki had in December 2000) and to offer this knowledge to all those that want to grow wiki communities. Do you see a way how I could access and learn from NoSmoke? -- HelmutLeitner
We've got a lot to talk with you, esp our history and my history of using wiki in various settings. And we want to hear your precious experiences with wiki in different places. --JuneKim
I can tell you about a wonderful experience I recently had in a far away wiki. Although most of its content was unaccessable to me (because of strange foreign characters), wiki knowledge told me, that they would love to have a visitor from a distant country (for a wiki host any contribution and especially any homepage created is like a personal present; a good wiki community feels for the host). I knew that any wiki has some type of homepage where a user is relatively free to make contact. In trying I found, that the wiki software even had a template to ease the creation of a homepage (only few wikis have). So the rest was easy and now it is pure fun. Do you have questions? :) -- hl

Knock! knock! Trick or treat? Give me some candy ! ..Hahaha.. Happy Halloween!! Wow, So pleased to meet you here. Welcome! In fact, I am also a new comer hanging around here and there on the NoSmoke like a stranger. Hoping to see you here again.....HeesooPark

Hi! Here is some candy dear boy and then ... become part of this wonderful community. I'm sure it will be easy for you. -- HelmutLeitner

Welcome! --지원

Recently, Austria comes to me meaningfully because I'm reading the book Monk's LudwigWittgenstein. I think Austria is beautiful and artistic contury. I'm glad to meet you in NoSmoke and hope see you frequently. --yong27

I think both our countries have a rich cultural, philosophical and artistic tradition. It will be interesting to see whether we need to know more about each others culture to understand each other and to successfully communicate within the wiki system. If the answer is yes, I will be happy to tell you about Austria and to hear from you about Korea. -- HelmutLeitner

BTW I found a few pages here that are related to Austria: TheKiss, EgonSchiele, logotherapy, 프로페셔널의조건 ... -- hl

Also there is StephanZweig who is popular person in NoSmoke due to his many books. I want to write about Korea and Austria but my little English press upon my mind. Gradually, I (and we) will try for that. --yong27

Wow , thank you all for this overwhelming warm welcome, I already feel at home! As far as I could see in this short time I think that you can really be proud of what you and June Kim have created. Today, Nov 1, I'm leaving for Salzburg - where I was born and where most of my family lives - to stay there for a few days. But when I return, I'll be happy to explore NoSmoke and to learn from you. -- HelmutLeitner

Guten Tag! Helmut. (sorry i don't know 'welcome' in german ) -- 환이

"Guten Tag" is perfect. The exact translation of 'welcome' is 'willkommen'. There are many similar words in German and English (Guten Tag = good day), but as a whole they are very different. Perhaps we could create a GermanEnglishKoreanCrashCourse?. What do you say in Korea? --hl

안녕 --dotory

Is it possible to phonetically transcribe this? -- hl

yes. Ahn-Nyung. --JuneKim

Oh! So you are back home! Wie geht es Ihnen? Happy to see you again! Ah, by the way, we are making up a short English story just for practicing English. Members who can write English add lines or correct some errors and also change the story a little bit. You are invited to our project. Let's build up an international never ending story in the Wiki World. We just started it this morning. Come on! Be the co-authors of this story -->MagicStoryBook Yes. Come on! --Jimmy's Boy friend --> It means that Jimmy is not a boy BTW you can also enjoy NosmokeEnglishClubJournal and also add something.

I'm sorry I'm currently not yet ready to do so. I don't know enough about your intentions and my English is usually too faulty. I could imitate your content or style but I might be misunderstood and things might arrive as impoliteness or criticism. I'm still looking for a path into NoSmoke. --hl

Hello! Would you please refer to OnKorea?--Slvy

These pages are very beautiful. :) What do you mean by "refer"? -- hl

I'm afraid it made you confused. I meant "ask for help",or "consult" by "refer"...
And OnKorea is growing little by little for you. --Slvy :)

I'm sorry but I had a problem while editing this page. While saving the page an edit conflict was indicated and on going back most of the page content was lost. It is still visible in the page history and I would be happy if someone could restore this page to one of these states:
2001-11-10 17:48:54
2001-11-11 23:28:16
I'm able to look at these versions, but don't know how to access the underlying text to restore the state of this page.

Can someone tell me what went wrong? I definitely didn't delete the lost part of the page in the edit box myself.

-- Helmut Leitner

Hello Helmut, this is Eunnie. I restored simply by copying & pasting what was lost a while ago. I have no clue about what has caused this kind of editing error though 'cause I'm not a programmer and almost computer-illiterate. =) Someone might AnswerMe(or you) more specifically what the problem was. Hope you won't have any more problems in navigating Nosmoke with comfort. Glad to meet you and see you often around. --우산

Eunnie, thank you very much for your help! -- hl

Have you received my reply to your long list of questions yet? --JuneKim

Yes, thank you very much for the wealth of information you have given me. I'm sorry that I have to leave now, I will answer to your letter on Tuesday. -- hl

Hi, Helmut. If you have a yahoo ID, you can come to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nosmok/chat and chat with me. --JuneKim

June, sorry, I never started chatting. -- hl

I'll reply to your last email in a while; I've got to think it over. :) --JuneKim

Thank you for you email. Now I've to think about it. :) -- hl

Hello! I'm a University Student wanna be a Computer Scientist. --Haskell

"Alles Leben ist Urlaub" 모든 삶은 투쟁이다
-유일하게 아는 독일어... 맞는지 몰르겠어요
Urlaub에 그런 의미도 있나요? .. 전 휴가나 휴일, 방학(vacation이라든가 holiday같은)으로 기억하고 있는데.. --Kenial

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