Matt Ridley

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MattRidley : 과학저널리스트, Genome이타적유전자의 저자로 유명하다. 그의 글쓰기는 RichardDawkins에 비해 전혀 손색이 없다. The International Centre for Life (Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s science park and visitor centre devoted to life science) 의 chairman 이다.

Is it really fair to look someone in the eye who's got a breast cancer risk gene and to say, no, sorry, you can't have gene therapy for that because it's very expensive and even though you can afford it someone else might not be able to? --생명공학이 경제적 부익부 빈익빈을 가져오지 않겠느냐는 질문에 대해|}}

Books written by MattRidley

  • Warts and All : The Men Who Would Be Bush by Matt Ridley (Hardcover - April 1990)
  • The Red Queen : Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley (Paperback - June 1995) 붉은여왕
  • The Future of Disease : Predictions by Matt Ridley (Paperback - February 1999)
  • The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation by Matt Ridley (Hardcover - April 1997) 이타적유전자
  • Genome
  • Nature Via Nurture : Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human (2003), ISBN:0060006781
  • The Agile Gene: How Nature Turns on Nurture (2004), ISBN:006000679X


The substance of what I'm interested in is that it's the genes that are related to behavior, and how they work. The big insight is that genes are the agents of nurture as well as nature. |}}

My techno-optimism is deeply unfashionable in Europe, where Jeremiah is treated as a serious, cautious and - let's face it - cool guy, but Pollyanna is a silly twit.|}}

We can resolve the paradox in part by distinguishing determinism from predictability. The weather is deterministic, but it is not predictable. Like the weather, we are a complex amalgam of feedback systems: genes in our brains switch on in response to our behavior as well as vice versa. Perhaps freedom lies in expressing your own determinism, not somebody else's. As the psychologist Lyndon Eaves has put it, "Would you rather be pushed around by your environment, which is not you, or by your genes, which in some sense is who you are?" Give me nature over nurture anytime. |}}

노스모크에서는 인디고양이처리방법토론군비확장경쟁토론등에서 환경문제에 대한 토론을 했다.

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