I am not a 한국사람 and do not know 한국어 or 한국말; nevertheless, I'm interested in the history and culture of Korea and her people. As a
contributor to the Chinese (hence recognizes 한자) and English versions of WikiPedia, I was introduced to here by another Wikipedian. .png)
Now, some real Korean-related...
{{|Menchi/Hangeul Questions about Korean, Hangeul, Hummin Jeong-eum etc.
Menchi/Hanja Questions related to the usage of Hanja in Korean.
Menchi/LanguageOther Other questions about the Korean languages (e.g., Romanization)
Menchi/Punctuation Questions on Korean Punctuations.
Menchi/Names Questions on Korean names.
Menchi/Lives Questions on Korean daily life and misc.
Menchi/Hanja Questions related to the usage of Hanja in Korean.
Menchi/LanguageOther Other questions about the Korean languages (e.g., Romanization)
Menchi/Punctuation Questions on Korean Punctuations.
Menchi/Names Questions on Korean names.
Menchi/Lives Questions on Korean daily life and misc.
These questions are brought up by Menchi, who's trying to write articles about Korea in WikiPedia.
1. NoSmoke Operation ¶
Thank you, 엉망, for making the five subpages. This page is much clearer now.
But is there a way I can see the updates, to see if there's anything new, in the subpages at once? (Like Wikipedia's watchlist) Before now, I click on the "i" icon on top-right corner to look at the history. It'd get very complex were I to check all 6 pages everytime. --Menchi, 08:33, Auguts 9, 2003
Click blue-red glasses in right menu.. --이기
I'm afraid there's no feature like WatchList of WikiPedia here in No-smoke, or is there any? I thought it would be better accessble to the korean like me who are not accustomed to a load of english threads, if I splitted this page and make the contents VISIBLE. Sorry if I made inconvenience to you. If it's nessessary, we may add a phrase urging the editor of each page to leave "UPDATE" mark in this page, whenever a new change is made. --엉망That's one-click shorter -- good!
But I'd still have to go into each subpage (Menchi/...) and then click on the glass to check if the subpage is updated, right? -- Menchi
Do you use Update my bookmark timestamp in RecentChanges ? Check if your pages was edited.. then use glasses..(Sorry for my Konglish.. ^^; ) --이기
Yes, I see the "Update...". But, there are a lot of other people's pages in RecentChanges that I never edited before. Can I remove them somehow? They're distracting. -- Menchi, 20:12, August 9, 2003
p.s. Your "Konglish" is easily understandable (no sweat!
) It's just I'm bad at following technical guidelines, laboratory instructions or that sort of thing! (I'm freeeee! _ )
p.s. Your "Konglish" is easily understandable (no sweat!
2. More to read for Menchi ¶
訓民正音 from 직지프로젝트 You should know Chinese better than I know.
I've startedWikiPedia:Hunmin_jeong-eum and translated the very first paragraphs (the most important, in this case). But translating the
Classical_Chinese into modern Chinese is almost like translating from another language! -- Menchi, 05:18 August 9, 2003
DeleteMe Menchi, please understand some Koeran below as I have something to discuss about how to 'properly' match Korean alphabet into English alphabet and vice versa with NoSmokians. We Korean do have some guidelines made by the government regarding sound / letter match, but I'm not quite sure in which extent that guideline is used in our daily internet life. If you have some 'rules' to change Korean alphabet into English, we also could bring that into the table. Regardless, I'd really appreciate your starting translating the 訓民正音. Thank you so much! Your saying that "translating theAnswerMe 훈민정음의 영문 표기에 대해서 어떻게 생각하십니까? 음절 언어인 한글을 영어로 표시할 때 상당히 고민되고, 제가 보는 관점에서는 아직까지 '훈민정음'에 대해 일관성을 가지고 번역이 안 되었다고 생각합니다만. 지금 이 분의 경우만 봐도 Hunmin_Jeong-Eum 이라고 두 음절, 한 음절, 한 음절로 쓰고 있고, 한 번은 _, 또 다른 한 번은 - 로 음절을 나누고 있습니다. HunMinJeongEum이 나을지, Hunminjeongeum이 나을지, Hum-Min-Jeong-Eum이 나을지, 아니면 다른 의견이 있는지 한 번 투표를 해 보시렵니까?Classical_Chinese into modern Chinese is almost like translating from another language!" makes two of us - or maybe more! - in the same boat as I have the exact same problem when I try to translate old Korean into modern Korean.
Word division and capitalization dilemma that Korean Romanization faces is really similar to those of Chinese Romanization (calledPinyin). Here's what I know for sure:
- Officially, there is no within-word capitalization (like HunMin). Within-word cap is common only on the Internet.
- Syllable ambiguity is resolved by hyphen, e.g., jeong-eum and jeon-geum.
- Old pre-2000 system (McCune-Reischauer Romanization) used apostrophe (') to resolve syllable ambiguity. But it also uses apsotrophe for distinguishing ㅂ (p) and ㅍ (p').
- Old pre-2000 system (McCune-Reischauer Romanization) used apostrophe (') to resolve syllable ambiguity. But it also uses apsotrophe for distinguishing ㅂ (p) and ㅍ (p').
- The initial of the second syllable after a hyphen is never capitalized in a word, i.e., jeon-geum, not jeon-Geum. They're only capitalized if the hyphen connects two words, e.g., Jeon-Geum, as in two persons, one person named Jeon, another named Geum.
Here's what uncertainty I have found:
- Word division: So where to divide: Hunminjeong-eum or Hunmin Jeong-eum or Hun Min Jeong Eum?
- * Books: I have seen all three ways in books. But "Hunmin Jeong-eum" (sometimes J is not capitalized) seems to be most common. The word division seems to be illogical.
- * Daily words: People just divide them as it would in English (which usually applies to French and Spanish too, but not German). -- Menchi, 07:07 August 9, 2003
Thank you for the information. The reason I asked this question to other Koreans is simple. There is no consistency the way people write 훈민정음 in English, and therefore I have had a concern regarding Korean cultural 'keyword' later on.
My personal perference would be Hunminjeongeum with italics to be distinguished to other English words.Hangeul - the Korean Alpahbet wrote that way without italics. Hunmin Jeongeum or Hunmin Jeong-eum should be OK too, however the way I see it is that it does not have consitency. 훈민정음 has four syllables and at the same time 훈민(訓民) has 'verb + object' stucture and 정음(正音) has 'adjective + noun' structure, and it has two or three pause when we sound. So this is something that on which elements we should put an emphasis. I would put them together if dividing into each syllable is not possible. - 김민수, 2009.8.9
- * Books: I have seen all three ways in books. But "Hunmin Jeong-eum" (sometimes J is not capitalized) seems to be most common. The word division seems to be illogical.
- how is this - an illuminating phonetic signs ? --musiki
- A Panorama of 5000 Years: Korean History by Andrew C. Nahm, Ph.D
- An illustrated Guide to Korean Culture: 233 traditional key words by The National Academy of the Korean Language
- Let's talk Korea with English by Yun-Jeong Kim, Hwa-Seop Cho
3. Dear Menchi ¶
These Questions are too difficult to answer --Haskell
The questions aren't simple, because cultures aren't plain. The Korean society, like other ancient ones, are endlessly multi-faceted. -- Menchi, 2003-06-07 16:11
Why do you think that the Korean society is one of the ancient ones? --naya
It is not as ancient as China, but it is as old as the United Kingdom. And very ancient when compared to Canada.
Being young isn't necessarily bad, it's just we don't really have heroes and legends to tell to our children or at school. Sure, Canada was once inhibited everywhere by the
First_Nations (what you call "Indians"), but they never formed any sort of formal government, let along organized dynasties. And even today, some First Nations don't even consider themselves Canadians or part of the Canadian society, unfortunately.
The political entity of Daehan Min-guk is new, but it represents, at least partially, of an easily traceable heritage at least from the Three Kingdoms period in the 1st century.
-- Menchi, 10:20 June 15, 2003
Being young isn't necessarily bad, it's just we don't really have heroes and legends to tell to our children or at school. Sure, Canada was once inhibited everywhere by the

The political entity of Daehan Min-guk is new, but it represents, at least partially, of an easily traceable heritage at least from the Three Kingdoms period in the 1st century.
-- Menchi, 10:20 June 15, 2003
What I'm wondering is that what is the spiritual or physical evidence that connect between the "대한민국" & ("고조선" or the Three Kingdoms that you mention). Actually I thought that the "고조선" is the tightly coupled ancient nation with "대한민국". But, when 잡종 asked me how I could prove the 'perpetuity', I couldn't answer. ... So I asked you why you thought our society as one of the ancient one.. --naya
Wellcome to NoSmoke. I'm very impressed by your zealousness in contributing to WikiPedia what no Koreans have done, (even though we are really supposed to,) if I'm placing my aweful vocabulary correctly. .png)
Placing AnswerMe will not be noticed but by who occasionally check backlinks to it. Citizens of NoSmoke (as known as NoSmokian) use 사랑방 page for their plain questions and chatty things. But I'll check your page constantly for your question to be answered.
You don't probably need to copy-and-paste date in a Korean form from Korean WikiPedia; You can just place the date like year-month-day -- or whatever the separator is.
I will be working on translating some of your questions by my own vocabulary. Once again, wellcome.
Placing AnswerMe will not be noticed but by who occasionally check backlinks to it. Citizens of NoSmoke (as known as NoSmokian) use 사랑방 page for their plain questions and chatty things. But I'll check your page constantly for your question to be answered.
You don't probably need to copy-and-paste date in a Korean form from Korean WikiPedia; You can just place the date like year-month-day -- or whatever the separator is.
I will be working on translating some of your questions by my own vocabulary. Once again, wellcome.
Curious: your spaces are converted to bunch of ... --서상현
Do the pose troubles?
It's probably the artifact-side effects of copy-and-pastes from Mozilla Composer, MS FrontPage, and MS Word (not simultaneously!) to edit my messages for fear of losing messages if typing directly to the text field in NoSmoke, since my computer freezes frequently. -- Menchi, 10:10 June 15, 2003
It's probably the artifact-side effects of copy-and-pastes from Mozilla Composer, MS FrontPage, and MS Word (not simultaneously!) to edit my messages for fear of losing messages if typing directly to the text field in NoSmoke, since my computer freezes frequently. -- Menchi, 10:10 June 15, 2003
Thanks. -- Menchi, 11:00 June 15, 2003
Hello Mr. Menchi;
My name is Min-Soo Kim, a newly joined member of no-smoke.net and I've found this page by accident. I'll take a careful review of this page and I'll try my best to give you an answer you would possibly want. - Min-Soo, 2003/8/6
My name is Min-Soo Kim, a newly joined member of no-smoke.net and I've found this page by accident. I'll take a careful review of this page and I'll try my best to give you an answer you would possibly want. - Min-Soo, 2003/8/6
I put the questioins and answers here.
Please do. And no need to address me as "mister". We're all equal on-line (at least so I hope!).
-- Menchi, 01:26 August 9, 2003
Will do. Nice seeing your reply and good to hear that you don't like term "mister"
I just need some more time to re-compile this massive Q&A made by a lot of different people. I also need some Korean studying to give you more correct answer. In the mean time, I would recommend you to read the following books on Korea.
- A Panorama of 5000 Years: Korean History by Andrew C. Nahm, Ph.D
- An illustrated Guide to Korean Culture: 233 traditional key words by The National Academy of the Korean Language
- Let's talk Korea with English by Yun-Jeong Kim, Hwa-Seop Cho
8988004558 - 김민수, 203.8.9
I've read another work by Andrew Nahm (Korea: Tradition and Transformation) last year, and particularly loved the tables and charts he made (and especially the king lineage lists). Very detailed and clear. This other Nahm book you suggested seems to be an audacious (and courageous!) take: 5000 years in 125 pages! Must be really concise! I'll definitely check out that book next time I'm in the library. Gomawo for the suggestions. -- Menchi, 05:18 August 9, 2003
- You're always welcome. We are not English speaking people and English is not spoken in this country. So I'm not good at English. But, even if I cannot understand your whole words, really I welcome you with whole heart. I have a suggestion. Korean word "망치" sounds like your name. it means "hammer" in Korean. I suggest your korean nick as "망치". How's this? --musiki
- 한글로 커뮤니케이션되는 페이지를 만들면 어떻겠습니까. "망치" 같은 이름으로... 저같은 문맹자를 위해서 번역본을 만들어주셈 T_T --musiki